Latest Reviews
Double Dry Hopped pseudoSueToppling Goliath


Wild Beer Co.

Robinsons Brewery

Toppling Goliath


Outdoor Winter Tippling Tips
Stay safe from the pandemic and stay warm with these winter patio drinking tactics. The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat to people’s lives and livelihood. It’s posing an even bigger threat to the existence of your neighborhood brewpub. It’s up to us beer dorks to do what we can to help keep these vibrant and critical pieces of the independent beer scene alive while at the same time keeping ourselves and our neighbors safe.Obviously the safest way to support your local brewery is to buy beer to-go or … by Eddie Glick—published October 20, 2020 full article »
Double Dry Hopped pseudoSue, Toppling Goliath
Nigel gives Double Dry Hopped pseudoSue, Toppling Goliath 5 mugs.
Craft brewer sellouts become as tone-deaf and underhanded as their new overlords. At first I didn’t think I needed to talk about this, since a couple of weeks ago the fabulous folks at A Full Pint brilliantly mocked the recent spate of “news stories†cropping up in which former craft breweries recently purchased by AB-InBev are bemoaning how they no longer get the respect of true beer lovers even though after selling out everyone is crapping rainbows and unicorns at their shiny, now well-funded brewing facility.But after … by Eddie Glick—published September 6, 2016 full article »
Great Taste Eve
Check out the burgeoning Madison beer scene the night before the best fest in country. Holy fuck balls (is that one word or two?), it’s already Great Taste of the Midwest week. In case you live under a rock on the moon with your head up your ass, the Great Taste is one of the largest and the best craft beer festivals in the country, if not the world. What makes it so damn great isn’t the ginormous selection of brews from across the Midwest, but it’s one of the … by Eddie Glick—published August 9, 2016 full article »Good Beer Makes Good Conversation
The effects of drinking beer worth talking about. So I’m back to playing softball again this year in a futile attempt to get out there and interact with the rest of society. While both my playing and social interactions have been miserable failures (I hit into a triple play—in fucking rec league softball—and everyone on the team thinks my name is Dan), I have been able to vicariously observe what camaraderie looks and sounds like by tailing my teammates to our sponsor bar … by Eddie Glick—published July 19, 2016 full article »The Beers of Walmart
The largest retailer in the world now has its own line of beers. So apparently Walmart has their own private-label brand of beers now. There’s nothing groundbreaking here, both in the approach (the stock lineup of IPA, pale ale, amber, and wheat/wit is about as cutting edge as NBA-finals-are-rigged conspiracy theories) or marketing ingenuity (Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have had private-label brands for well over a decade, and even relatively lower-entry chains like HyVee have had private-label stuff for several years), but it’s still gotten more than … by Eddie Glick—published June 20, 2016 full article »Spaceman, Brewfist
Nigel gives Spaceman, Brewfist 3 mugs.
• My annual spring vacation involved 4 weeks in a hotel in Northwest Indiana, where it was cold and snowy and wasn’t a vacation at all because it was a required business trip in Northwest Indiana.
• I put on 15,000 … by Nigel Tanner—published February 29, 2016 full review »